5.7 GHz
The UK 5GHz or 6cms allocation is restricted to a number of discrete bands (compared to the international 5650-5850 secondary allocation). It accommodates, narrowband, data, satellite and DATV
Frequencies and Band Plan
Amateur Service:-
- 5650 - 5680 - inc ATV usage
- 5755 - 5765 - inc the Narrowband centre at 5760 MHz
- 5830 - 5850
Amateur Satellite Service:-
- 5650 - 5670 - Uplinks only
- 5830 - 5850 - Downlinks only
See the RSGB band plan for full details, and the 5/10GHz guide.
There are a number of narrow band beacons in the 5.7 GHz band - see this page for an up to date list.
5.7 GHz Equipment
The BATCG Wiki has details of 5.7Ghz equipment https://wiki.batc.org.uk/5.6_GHz
6cms is a great band to get an introduction to microwaves as it supports both narrowband and low cost COTS wideband equipment
5.7 GHz Power amplifiers
Power amplifiers for the 5.7GHz band are now a days nearly all solid state. There are a few amateurs running travelling wave tube amplifiers (TWTA) to produce high power mainly for earth-moon-earth (EME) applications.
The cheap power amplifies intended for first person video (FPV) applications such as down links for drone operate across the 5.7GHz band and amateurs often use them for FM systems and for FM ATV. These amplifiers produce a few watts of power which can easily work stations on line of sight paths of up to 100km when a small dish or panel antenna is used.
Ex-commercial amplifiers producing a few tens of watts at 5.7GHz are sometimes available at microwave round tables, radio rallies and on internet auction sites. Most of these are linear amplifiers and can be used for CW, ssb, FM or digital service. Generally their biasing means they draw relatively high currents and need to disipate large amounts of heat even when not being modulated meaning sufficient heatsinking and cooling are required.
Several companies and some individual amateurs around the world manufacture purpose built amplifiers for the amateur radio service. Amplifiers producing up to 100W are available but at a relatively high cost.
5.7 GHz Antennas
In general dish antennas are used for this band.